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Information / Male Physicality Only

Duration :   6 months  Recovery
Substance Addicts :  Crystal Meth, Crack, Alcoholics, Pills, Herion, Cocaine.
Donation:  $6,000.00 USD that is tax deducatable.

  Benefit of BSTW: Standard drug treatment facilities cost between $10,000 and $20,000 per month
Paid In Full only


You must provide your transportation to Tijuana Mexico border for BSTW Ambassador to pick up to take to the Drug Rehabilitation facility.

All Donation will cover all Boarding, 3 meals Daily , Laundry Facility, Counseling, Rehabilitation Meetings, Medical Physical on arrival.

Program Details: Registration

Registration program


Step 1. Career counseling

skills and user skills in order to determine the most advisable for Social Reinsertion activity are evaluated.


Step 2. User Monitoring

It is given monitor activities performed by the user, in order to determine whether they are meeting expectations in terms of human development.

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