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Information / Male Physicality Only

Program Details: Requirements





Name:       _____________________

DOB:        _____________________                                    

Address:   _____________________

City:         __________ zip:_______

Phone:      ____________________

Email:       ____________________                                                          CURRENT PHOTO



I hereby grant Beauty Saving The World staff member to check name ___________________________ to the Designated Drug Rehabilitation Center.


Legal Name on Passport Document or ID ________________________  &  ID Number ____________  


Date of Arrival: _____________ 20___.


_____I understand that I will be admitted into this Drug Rehabilitation Center project for 6 months from the date of check in.


____ I understand that once that I am checked into the Drug Rehabilitation Center, Beauty Saving The World has full filled it obligation for the donation and all that all payments for services to the facility are paid in full.


____ I understand that Beauty Saving The World will contact family, friend the info of your location for visiting and contact.


Supply Contact Info:  PRINT CLEARLY


Name____________________Phone________________Email_________________@ ___________

Name____________________Phone________________Email_________________@ ___________

Name____________________Phone________________Email_________________@ ___________

Name____________________Phone________________Email_________________@ ___________




___ I understand that I am going to a Safe and Secure Facility in Mexico and will return to my home destination after the 6 month Rehabilitation safe and sound.


___ I understand I will not be release before this date. ____________ 20 ____.


___ I understand and agree once my payment is made there is no refund.



Beauty Saving The World has makes arrangements with the chosen Drug Rehabilitation Center and maybe other independent parties to provide you with the services.  These parties are independent suppliers over whom we have no direct control. We are not responsible for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses arising out of injury, accident or death; damage, loss or delay or other property; or delay, inconvenience, loss of enjoyment, upset, disappointment, distress or frustration, whether physical or mental, resulting from (1) the act or omission of any party other than BSTW or its employees; (2) mechanical breakdown, government actions, weather or other factors beyond our control; (3) failure to obtain documents, passports, visas and health certificates valid through the date of reentry, when required, in which case a cancellation charge will be assessed; (4) failure to follow instructions including but not limited to check-in and checkout time. (5) Medical or health problems or physical disabilities. Beauty Saving The World reserves the right to cancel or alter the travel rehab services at its discretion, except as otherwise noted herein. In the event of change, Beauty Saving The World will try to substitute comparable services; in the of complete cancellation by Beauty Saving The World we shall refund all monies paid to us. Beauty Saving The World will not be responsible for any other cost incurred by participants.




SIGNATURE _____________________________  DATE:_____________________________


Duration :   6 months  Recovery
Substance Addicts :  Crystal Meth, Crack, Alcoholics, Pills, Herion, Cocaine.
Donation:  $6,000.00 USD that is tax deducatable.

  Benefit of BSTW: Standard drug treatment facilities cost between $10,000 and $20,000 per month
Paid In Full only


You must provide your transportation to Tijuana Mexico border for BSTW Ambassador to pick up to take to the Drug Rehabilitation facility.

All Donation will cover all Boarding, 3 meals Daily , Laundry Facility, Counseling, Rehabilitation Meetings, Medical Physical on arrival.

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